An Introduction: Part 2

hello part 2

Hello again!

I’m going to make the assumption (because those always work out) that if you’re reading this post you’ve already read the first one. After all, who starts with Part 2? I mean, George Lucas did start with Part 4 but still – it wasn’t Part 2. In any case, I’m just going to jump in and pick up where I left off. Try and keep up.

This Site

So, I said I was going to talk about what I want to do with this site (you know, besides write masterpieces such as this) and I keep my promises. I also keep my movie stubs, but that seems less relevant. As for the site, it is my hope that it serves as a hub for all those interested in Triple Zero Films’ projects to get their heroin-like fix of information related to said projects. I’d also like it to allow people a chance to get to know more about me personally – after all, in today’s social media landscape your company and your brand are hardly indistinguishable from yourself. Gone are the days when the work (art, inventions, a well dug ditch) stood on its own merits and the creator was merely a vessel for its existence. This is not necessarily a complaint (I mean, it sounds like one and looks like one and kinda is one), but merely an observation on the state of being a “content” creator in the modern world.

As such, I have attempted to divide this site into fairly useful and intuitive pages. The home page just says “Hi” (like a Wal-Mart greeter… do they still have those?) and displays the most recent news stories, the About page gives a brief overview of the history and mission of this organization, the Contact page is about as self-explanatory as humanly possible, and the Other Projects page is (at least for the time being) a repository of links and overviews of some of my previous projects (pick your jaw up off the floor after that stunning turn of events). The astute among you might have noticed that not only were those pages not listed in the correct order, there were are least three glaring omissions (including the section in which you currently find yourself). To the first point I say “Yeah, I don’t know, that’s just the order in which they popped into my head. Get off my back, mom!” The second, however, was a more calculated affair and entirely intentional. I left the final three pages off as they are (arguably) the three that people will both interact with most often and the ones that will be updated most frequently. So let’s talk about them!

The Forbidden Dish Page

This page will be the primary hub for information related to, amazingly enough, the Forbidden Dish film. It gives some general information about the plot and the reasoning behind the creative decisions that brought it to life. It also currently lists the musical artists who are involved with the soundtrack (a list which will grow if/when others are brought on). Not currently on the page, but to be eventually added as they join the RPG party, will be sections on the composer, the crew, and the cast. There may be other sections added as well, but I just don’t know what they might be at the moment (besides awesome – they’ll definitely be awesome). While I hope this page is incredibly informational (and super sexy), it is not intended to be an up-to-the-minute accounting of all the goings-on related to production but rather a more static (but evolving) glimpse into the film. The Pikachu of the site, some might say (Get it? Static, evolving. Too forced? Probably.).

The News Page

While it might seem redundant to explain this page given the title, I figured it was worth denoting how it differed from the dedicated Forbidden Dish page. First, they have different names. Secondly, and arguably more importantly, the News page will be where most of the important updates and information can be found. A new location was secured? The cinematographer was hired? Production finished? All that would be an example of exactly what this page is for (well, that and printing out to roll up and kill a fly during the summer). Now, there may be a degree of overlap with the Forbidden Dish page in cases like that of the cinematographer – I mean, I did just get done saying above that cast and crew sections will be added.

This is all true, but without the News page you would have no way of knowing to check for said updates to the Forbidden Dish page (well, short of just going there every day to see if anything has changed – which you are free do, by the way). Not only that, but the News page might be able to delve into a bit more specific information as, due to the post format nature of the page, space is not quite at the same premium as it is on the Forbidden Dish page. Additionally, while this won’t necessarily be a concern for a while, the news on the News page is not limited to just information on Forbidden Dish.  It can be about any big development with either Triple Zero Films or any of its projects – past, present, or future (Note: Our resident in-house psychic, Stacy, will handle all information related to future projects. We found her on craigslist, so I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.)

The TZF Blog Page

So now we’ve reached it – the crown jewel. The shining beacon. The best page on the entire Internet. Okay, so perhaps I’m over-selling it a bit. Or a lot. Either way, that page is actually where you are now (well, technically you’re on a post page linked-to from the TZF Blog page but now your just being pedantic). While the rest of the site maintains a certain air of respectability and more dignified tone (you know, those sorts of things that are important to running a professional business and for the clarity of the information presented), this section will be a more intimate conversation about any number of topics (but probably related to ongoing TZF projects or media in general). Being that the News page will only be updated when there is worthy news to report, it is quite likely that this will be the most frequently updated page on the site.

It might also serve as place to discuss previous (read: non-current) aspects of production – after all, it’s not news to discuss things that have already happened (that’s called history… or scholarship). It is in this section that I hope to be able to let down my guard a little bit and let my freak flag fly let people get to see a bit more of my personality (that way you imprint on me like a baby duck). Going along with the Wild-West-like attitude of this page (wicky wild wild, wicky wicky wild), not every post will necessarily have the same tone or attitude. Much like Shrek (and onions), I have layers. Sometimes I like to let my hair down (not that I have enough hair to let down) and adopt a more jovial tone (unlike the exemplar of restraint of you see before you now), and other times I will be more serious and thoughtful. In any case, you’ll be getting a direct line on me (for better or worse – probably worse). Also, I hope a lot of interesting and enlightening information manages to slip in as well. We’ll see.

Next Up

As in the last post, there is just too much juicy goodness to fit it all in right here. So, like a pair of overworked Spanx, I’m busting out and spilling over onto yet one more post. In that one, I hope to cover the Forbidden Dish project in a more detail and give you a history of my involvement with this project (Hint: I’ve known it since it was born. Also, I’m the father.). I have a lot to say about it and I don’t feel like having a Wailing Wall of text dominating this single page (at least, not any more than it already has). Again, I appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you enjoyed it, then you’re welcome. If not, then you’re also welcome (can’t have the light without the darkness, after all).

I’ll see you soon in Part 3 (in 3D!),


1 thought on “An Introduction: Part 2”

  1. Pingback: TZF Blog - An Introduction: Part 1 - Triple Zero Films

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